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3 Armrobbers were caught in Ogun State for violent action

In a street in Ogun State three  arm robber were caught out of eight and was move to court after the allegation and the probe they’ve caused in the area.

It was on Saturday evening when it happens and was reported to the24luk.

The owner of the house happen to be a woman, blessed with children with and grandson unknowingly when they accepted three rascal boys that keeps bad company and become 8 in a room.  Where they gathered together without not knowing their get-up-and-go.

The caretaker of the house complaint to the public and said she’s is surprise that they could not have any work doing that to listen and dance to music which is very immoral.

Late on it was in the afternoon when they meet and jumped into a building to destroy their property and their water tankers in the house because the owner see them as an innocent and though give them water all time but later get to know they are the one who destroy it.

In the evening, the thieves began robbery & violent demonstrations in the mid-night of the day were they robbed each and every houses but later they were discovered later on that their handwork.

Before they beat their caretaker up because of that is the women that own the house who’s the eight of them were leaving. An idea was given that the room of the arm robbers which they free in should be locked with a new padlock. 

A listener would notice she’s the one who said that now directly expose the secret to the arm robber for buying a new padlock for locking up their room.

Then the caretaker was taking to hospital either after a woman of 50yrs was beaten mercilessly up to death and out of 8 arm robbers, 3 among them were caught but remain five after the case has been forwarded to police station immediately and make a of moving the three of them court.

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